Monday 16 February 2009

Creative yearnings

Ah yes. Home alone with a 4 month old. That is how I envisioned my life at 24.

I always had images in my head of romantic getaways, jetting across the world, taking the "gap year" that I had always said I would.
Two years ago if you had told me that I would have been married with child in a neat flat in a well-respected suburb then I would have scoffed, turned my music up louder and told you to piss off.
Always expect the unexpected.

Today Tom has had a bowl of yoghurt, which he has managed to spread EVERYWHERE. The dog cannot reach the splotch on his back and will not rest until his tongue has touched it. He is looking at me, but we both know he will not be satisfied until he has tasted the sweet goo.

At least he now has something to do for the day.

I on the other hand have been reduced to looking up Hugo Chavez funnies on the internet and playing with the red button stuff on the old freeview.
My life is truly a complex and amazing thing.
This is better than any gap year.